Eastern Neighbours Remote Shelter Exposition 2008

Cultuurhuis Stefanus, Amazonedreef 40, Utrecht
11 November until 21 November 2008
Entry: Free

The exhibition “Remote Shelter” is part of Eastern Neighbours Festival 2008. Petro Bevza (Ukraine), Perica Donkov (Serbia), and Aleksandar Spasoski (Macedonia) indirectly present their art work in form of video installations.  Video installations are made out of different kind of documentary materials that represent original art work exposed in original environment, interior or exterior. This remote contact with culturally divided worlds should bring, beside art works from distant place, also piece of surrounding. That surrounding is not country of origin, where these art works are deeply rooted in, but artistic vision reflected in social environment of art world where these art works were placed.

Curated by: Mr. Miloš Peškir